Tuesday, March 24, 2015

FAMILY & COMMUNITY LIFE AMONG THE ŃGWÀ - Opening Chapter of the Book: Long Search For Greener Pastures By Author - Dandy Ahuruonye © 2015

 The Ńgwà tribe is the largest and most populous sub-ethnicity in the rural areas of the southern Igbo plain in the present Abia State in South-Eastern Nigeria.
The people of these Ńgwà tribal areas were mainly farmers who produced palm oil, yam, cassava, maize, cocoyam, ube (Igbo pear), and several other types of tropical produce.  Here they use some key crops to produce certain kinds of food. An example being yam, which is pounded to make pounded yam. Other key crops include cassava and coco yam; both being used to make fufu and garri. Maize is harvested and pounded to make corn meal, and also corn flour which is used as a base in the preparation of various.............
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